from pathlib import Path
import pickle, gzip, math, os, time, shutil, matplotlib as mpl, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
import numpy as np
=2, linewidth=140, sci_mode=False)
torch.set_printoptions(precision=2, linewidth=140) np.set_printoptions(precision
torch.manual_seed(= torch.randn(100,500) #flattenned out mnist digit * 10 possible digits
weights = torch.zeros(500) bias
= torch.randn(5,1000)
A = torch.randn(1000,500) B
(torch.Size([5, 1000]), torch.Size([1000, 500]))
= A.shape # n_rows * n_cols
Ar,Ac = B.shape
Br,Bc (Ar,Ac),(Br,Bc)
((5, 1000), (1000, 500))
= torch.zeros(Ar, Bc) # will store product of A and B
C C.shape
torch.Size([5, 500])
A naive matmul for benchmarking
for i in range(Ar):
for j in range(Bc):
for k in range(Ac):
+= A[i,k] * B[k,j] C[i,j]
tensor([[ -47.17, -54.96, -10.88, ..., 21.26, 4.28, -4.78],
[ 77.24, 23.64, -20.62, ..., 13.62, -26.03, 22.42],
[-108.64, 27.16, 49.40, ..., 27.56, 9.35, 16.46],
[ -13.44, 45.17, -2.30, ..., -79.52, -58.32, -13.37],
[ -21.50, -12.12, 55.95, ..., 28.55, -32.96, -35.81]])
torch.Size([5, 500])
- Also have PyTorch produce a matrix product to use as a benchmark for mathematical correctness.
=,B) reference
tensor([[ -47.17, -54.96, -10.87, ..., 21.26, 4.28, -4.78],
[ 77.24, 23.64, -20.62, ..., 13.62, -26.03, 22.42],
[-108.64, 27.16, 49.40, ..., 27.56, 9.35, 16.46],
[ -13.44, 45.17, -2.30, ..., -79.52, -58.32, -13.37],
[ -21.50, -12.12, 55.95, ..., 28.55, -32.96, -35.81]])
'cpu'),'cpu'),atol=1e-04, rtol=1e-04) torch.allclose(
def matmul_naive(A,B):
Perform naive matrix multiplication matrices of A and B
= A.shape
Ar, Ac = B.shape
Br, Bc = torch.zeros(Ar, Bc)
C for i in range(Ar):
for j in range(Bc):
for k in range(Ac):
+= A[i,k] * B[k,j]
C[i,j] return C
=1e-04, rtol=1e-04) torch.allclose(matmul_naive(A,B), reference,atol
print(f"Performed O({Ar*Bc*Ac}) operations")
Performed O(2500000) operations
Matmul with numba for speeding up the dot product
from numba import njit
from numpy import array
def dot(a,b):
= 0.
res for i in range(len(a)): res += a[i]*b[i]
return res
1,2,3]),array([2,0,1])) dot(array([
def matmul_numba(A,B):
Perform matrix multiplication matrices of A and B with
inner product optimized with numba
= A.shape
Ar, Ac = B.shape
Br, Bc = torch.zeros(Ar, Bc)
C for i in range(Ar):
for j in range(Bc):
= dot(A[i,:],B[:,j])
C[i,j] return C
tensor([[ -47.17, -54.96, -10.88, ..., 21.26, 4.28, -4.78],
[ 77.24, 23.64, -20.62, ..., 13.62, -26.03, 22.42],
[-108.64, 27.16, 49.40, ..., 27.56, 9.35, 16.46],
[ -13.44, 45.17, -2.30, ..., -79.52, -58.32, -13.37],
[ -21.50, -12.12, 55.95, ..., 28.55, -32.96, -35.81]])
np.allclose(matmul_numba(A.numpy(),B.numpy()), reference.numpy())
= A.numpy(), B.numpy()
Anp, Bnp %timeit -n 50 matmul_numba(Anp,Bnp)
7.14 ms ± 31.3 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
print(f"Speedup factor over naive matmul: {740000/344:.0f}")
Speedup factor over naive matmul: 2151
Matmul with PyTorch inner product
def matmul_innertorch(A,B):
= A.shape
Ar, Ac = B.shape
Br, Bc = torch.zeros(Ar, Bc)
C for i in range(Ar):
for j in range(Bc):
= (A[i,:]*B[:,j]).sum()
C[i,j] return C
tensor([[ -47.17, -54.96, -10.88, ..., 21.26, 4.28, -4.78],
[ 77.24, 23.64, -20.62, ..., 13.62, -26.03, 22.42],
[-108.64, 27.16, 49.40, ..., 27.56, 9.35, 16.46],
[ -13.44, 45.17, -2.30, ..., -79.52, -58.32, -13.37],
[ -21.50, -12.12, 55.95, ..., 28.55, -32.96, -35.81]])
=1e-04, rtol=1e-04) torch.allclose(reference,matmul_innertorch(A, B),atol
%timeit -n 50 _=matmul_innertorch(A, B)
18 ms ± 575 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
print(f"Speedup factor over naive matmul: {740000/882:.0f}")
Speedup factor over naive matmul: 839
Matmul with broadcasting
- We can multiply each row of A by all columns of B simultaneously.
- A[i,:] is [1000] of size while B is of size [1000, 10].
- By adding an extra dimension to A[i,:] via A[i,:,None] (or A[i,:].unsqueeze(1)), we get shape [1000, 1] and are able to broadcast along the column dimension.
-To put it losely, each row of A is stretched out into a column and multiplied by B; when summed, this yields a row of the final product. We then need to iterate along the rows only, reducing the number of for loops from three with naive matmul to one with broadcasting.
print(f"""B.shape: {B.shape} \n\nA[i,:].shape: {A[i,:].shape} \n
A[i,:].unsqueeze(1).shape: {A[i,:].unsqueeze(1).shape} \n
A[i,:,None].shape: {A[i,:,None].shape} \n
(A[i,:,None]*B).sum(dim=0).shape: {(A[i,:,None]*B).sum(dim=0).shape}""")
B.shape: torch.Size([1000, 500])
A[i,:].shape: torch.Size([1000])
A[i,:].unsqueeze(1).shape: torch.Size([1000, 1])
A[i,:,None].shape: torch.Size([1000, 1])
(A[i,:,None]*B).sum(dim=0).shape: torch.Size([500])
- To be convinced, uncomment the line below and experiment with A[i,:].shape; A[i,:,None].shape, (A[i,:,None]*B).shape; (A[i,:,None]*B).sum(dim=0), keeping in mind that final shape is 10*5 here
def matmul_broadcast(A,B):
= A.shape
Ar, Ac = B.shape
Br, Bc = torch.zeros(Ar, Bc)
C for i in range(Ar):
= (A[i,:,None]*B).sum(dim=0)
C[i] #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
return C
tensor([[ -47.17, -54.96, -10.88, ..., 21.26, 4.28, -4.78],
[ 77.24, 23.64, -20.62, ..., 13.62, -26.03, 22.42],
[-108.64, 27.16, 49.40, ..., 27.56, 9.35, 16.46],
[ -13.44, 45.17, -2.30, ..., -79.52, -58.32, -13.37],
[ -21.50, -12.12, 55.95, ..., 28.55, -32.96, -35.81]])
=1e-04, rtol=1e-04) torch.allclose(reference,matmul_broadcast(A, B),atol
%timeit -n 50 _=matmul_broadcast(A, B)
358 μs ± 36 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
print(f"Speedup factor over naive matmul: {740000/180:.0f}")
Speedup factor over naive matmul: 4111
Matmul via Einstein summation
Einstein summation (einsum
) is a compact representation for combining products and sums in a general way. The key rules are:
- Repeating letters between input arrays means that values along those axes will be multiplied together.
- Omitting a letter from the output means that values along that axis will be summed.
def matmul_einsum(A,B):
return torch.einsum('ik,kj->ij',A,B)
%timeit -n 50 _=matmul_einsum(A,B)
The slowest run took 8.89 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
45.8 μs ± 49.8 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
print(f"Speedup factor over naive matmul: {740000/77:.0f}")
Speedup factor over naive matmul: 9610
Default PyTorch matmul on CPU
We can use pytorch’s function or operator directly for matrix multiplication.
'cpu')'cpu')) torch.allclose(reference,
# Warm-up run
Acpu, Bcpu %timeit -n 50 _=Acpu@Bcpu
12.5 μs ± 1.02 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
print(f"Speedup factor over naive matmul: {740000/65.6:.0f}")
Speedup factor over naive matmul: 11280
- Switching device from CPU to GPU
from pathlib import Path
import pickle, gzip, math, os, time, shutil, matplotlib as mpl, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
import numpy as np
from numba import cuda, float32
= torch.randn(5,1000,device='cuda')
A = torch.randn(1000,5000,device='cuda')
B = A@B
reference = A.shape # n_rows * n_cols
Ar,Ac = B.shape
Br,Bc = torch.zeros(Ar, Bc) # will store product of A and B
C C.shape
torch.Size([5, 5000])
def matmul_almost_cuda(grid,a,b,c):
"""Fills in one piece of the grid successfully"""
= grid
i, j if i < c.shape[0] and j < c.shape[1]:
= 0.
tmp for k in range(a.shape[1]): tmp += a[i,k]*b[k,j]
= tmp c[i,j]
0,0), A, B, C)
matmul_almost_cuda(( C
tensor([[-53.03, 0.00, 0.00, ..., 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
[ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, ..., 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
[ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, ..., 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
[ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, ..., 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
[ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, ..., 0.00, 0.00, 0.00]])
- Wiki: a compute kernel is a routine compiled for high throughput accelerators. Kernels correspond roughly to inner loops, doing a piece of the computation.
def launch_kernel(kernel,grid_x,grid_y,*args,**kwargs):
for i in range(grid_x):
for j in range(grid_y):
*args,**kwargs) kernel((i,j),
- The code below has the jist of what we want to do, but is not run in parallel
# Had to keyboard interrupt, runs nowhere near reasonable time when done sequentially
= torch.zeros(Ar,Bc)
C # grid_x <-> Ar, grid_y <-> Bc, args: A,B,C passed to matmul_cuda
launch_kernel(matmul_almost_cuda, Ar, Bc, A, B, C) C
tensor([[-53.03, -0.23, -24.30, ..., -11.28, -24.68, -31.85],
[-15.85, 13.23, 19.40, ..., -8.92, 28.37, 16.67],
[ 53.55, -15.54, 13.36, ..., 12.86, 1.21, -12.67],
[ 37.49, -30.42, 13.84, ..., -16.57, 24.10, -3.87],
[ 3.07, -0.18, 4.91, ..., -25.19, -40.16, -32.40]])
- To run the code in parallel, use CUDA
from numba import cuda
# Decorator below will compile into GPU code
def matmul_cuda(a,b,c):
# numba will pass ove the grid
= cuda.grid(2)
i, j if i < c.shape[0] and j < c.shape[1]:
= 0.
tmp for k in range(a.shape[1]): tmp += a[i,k]*b[k,j]
= tmp c[i,j]
- Call each grid item in parallel with the number of different processors
torch.Size([5, 5000])
= 16
TPB = torch.zeros(Ar,Bc,device='cuda')
C = C.shape
Cr, Cc = (math.ceil(Cr/TPB), math.ceil(Cc/TPB))
blockspergrid blockspergrid
(1, 313)
device(type='cuda', index=0)
#matmul_cuda[blockspergrid, (TPB, TPB)](A,B,C)
Another implementation
The higher-level idea is to unroll the two outer for loops into a single row-column calculation by replacing the outer loops with two dimensions of threads.
#### DetailsEvery thread corresponds to one output element
Make a 2-D grid of threads to access it with a (row,column) pair.
Proper profiling appears to be more involved, see
from numba import cuda, float32
import numpy as np
import math
def fast_matmul(A, B, C):
# Define an array in the shared memory
# The size and type of the arrays must be known at compile time
= cuda.shared.array(shape=(TPB, TPB), dtype=float32)
sA = cuda.shared.array(shape=(TPB, TPB), dtype=float32)
= cuda.grid(2)
x, y
= cuda.threadIdx.x
tx = cuda.threadIdx.y
ty = cuda.gridDim.x # blocks per grid
# Each thread computes one element in the result matrix.
# The dot product is chunked into dot products of TPB-long vectors.
= float32(0.)
tmp for i in range(bpg):
# Preload data into shared memory
= 0
sA[ty, tx] = 0
sB[ty, tx] if y < A.shape[0] and (tx+i*TPB) < A.shape[1]:
= A[y, tx + i * TPB]
sA[ty, tx] if x < B.shape[1] and (ty+i*TPB) < B.shape[0]:
= B[ty + i * TPB, x]
sB[ty, tx]
# Wait until all threads finish preloading
# Computes partial product on the shared memory
for j in range(TPB):
+= sA[ty, j] * sB[j, tx]
# Wait until all threads finish computing
cuda.syncthreads()if y < C.shape[0] and x < C.shape[1]:
= tmp
C[y, x]
= np.random.rand(5,1000)
A_h = np.random.rand(1000,10)
B_h = np.zeros([5,10])
= cuda.to_device(A_h)
A = cuda.to_device(B_h)
B = cuda.to_device(C_h)
#TPB must be an integer between 1 and 32
= 32
threadsperblock = max(A_h.shape[0],B_h.shape[0])
grid_y_max = max(A_h.shape[1],B_h.shape[1])
grid_x_max = math.ceil(grid_x_max / threadsperblock[0])
blockspergrid_x = math.ceil(grid_y_max / threadsperblock[1])
blockspergrid_y = (blockspergrid_x, blockspergrid_y)
fast_matmul[blockspergrid, threadsperblock](A, B, C)= C.copy_to_host()
C_h print(C_h)
The single for loop in the code is sufficient because it iterates over the number of blocks per grid (bpg). Each block contains TPB x TPB threads, where TPB is the thread per block parameter. Each thread computes one element in the result matrix C, by performing a dot product of a row in A and a column in B. However, since the matrices A and B may be larger than the shared memory size of each block, the dot product is chunked into smaller segments of length TPB. This means that each thread needs to load multiple segments of data from the global memory to the shared memory, and accumulate the partial products in a temporary variable (tmp). The final value of tmp is then stored in the corresponding element of C.
To illustrate this, let’s assume that TPB = 2 and bpg = 2. Suppose we have the following matrices A and B:
A=[12345678910111213141516] A= 15913261014371115481216
B=[17181920212223242526272829303132] B= 17212529182226301923273120242832
The result matrix C is:
C=A×B=[2502602702806186446706969861028107011121354141214701528] C=A×B= 2506189861354260644102814122706701070147028069611121528
The grid and block dimensions are:
dim3 dim_grid (2, 2, 1); // 2 x 2 blocks per grid dim3 dim_block (2, 2, 1); // 2 x 2 threads per block
The thread indices are:
(x, y) = (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1) // within each block (tx, ty) = (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1) // within each thread
The code will execute as follows:
For i = 0, each thread loads the first segment of data from A and B to the shared memory sA and sB. For example, the thread with (x, y) = (0, 0) and (tx, ty) = (0, 0) will load A[0, 0] and B[0, 0] to sA[0, 0] and sB[0, 0], respectively. The shared memory arrays will look like this:
sA = [[1, 2], [5, 6]] // for block (0, 0) sA = [[9, 10], [13, 14]] // for block (1, 0) sA = [[3, 4], [7, 8]] // for block (0, 1) sA = [[11, 12], [15, 16]] // for block (1, 1)
sB = [[17, 18], [21, 22]] // for block (0, 0) sB = [[17, 18], [21, 22]] // for block (0, 1) sB = [[25, 26], [29, 30]] // for block (1, 0) sB = [[25, 26], [29, 30]] // for block (1, 1)
After synchronizing the threads, each thread computes the partial product of the first segment using sA and sB. For example, the thread with (x, y) = (0, 0) and (tx, ty) = (0, 0) will compute tmp = sA[0, 0] * sB[0, 0] + sA[0, 1] * sB[1, 0] = 1 * 17 + 2 * 21 = 59. The other threads will compute similar values for their corresponding elements.
For i = 1, each thread loads the second segment of data from A and B to the shared memory sA and sB, overwriting the previous values. For example, the thread with (x, y) = (0, 0) and (tx, ty) = (0, 0) will load A[0, 2] and B[2, 0] to sA[0, 0] and sB[0, 0], respectively. The shared memory arrays will look like this:
sA = [[3, 4], [7, 8]] // for block (0, 0) sA = [[11, 12], [15, 16]] // for block (1, 0) sA = [[1, 2], [5, 6]] // for block (0, 1) sA = [[9, 10], [13, 14]] // for block (1, 1)
sB = [[25, 26], [29, 30]] // for block (0, 0) sB = [[25, 26], [29, 30]] // for block (0, 1) sB = [[17, 18], [21, 22]] // for block (1, 0) sB = [[17, 18], [21, 22]] // for block (1, 1)
After synchronizing the threads, each thread computes the partial product of the second segment using sA and sB, and adds it to the previous value of tmp. For example, the thread with (x, y) = (0, 0) and (tx, ty) = (0, 0) will compute tmp = tmp + sA[0, 0] * sB[0, 0] + sA[0, 1] * sB[1, 0] = 59 + 3 * 25 + 4 * 29 = 250. The other threads will compute similar values for their corresponding elements.
Finally, each thread stores the final value of tmp in the result matrix C.
# Warm up
for _ in range(10):
fast_matmul[blockspergrid, threadsperblock](A, B, C)
# Benchmark
= torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
start = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
= []
times for _ in range(50):
fast_matmul[blockspergrid, threadsperblock](A, B, C)
# Wait for all operations to finish
# Append the time in microseconds
* 1000)
# Print the average time
print(f"Average time elapsed: {np.mean(times)} µs\n\
Standard deviation of time elapsed: {np.std(times)} µs")
Average time elapsed: 949.6985602378845 µs
Standard deviation of time elapsed: 33.04722920348339 µs
%timeit -n 50 fast_matmul[blockspergrid, threadsperblock](A, B, C)
72.3 µs ± 31.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
Default PyTorch matmul on GPU
# Warm-up run
%timeit -n 50 _=A@B
17.9 µs ± 6.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
print(f"Speedup factor over naive matmul: {740000/18.3:.0f}")
Speedup factor over naive matmul: 40437
torch.Size([5, 10])
= 16
TPB = r.shape
rr,rc = (math.ceil(rr / TPB), math.ceil(rc / TPB))
blockspergrid blockspergrid
(1, 1)
# matmul[blockspergrid, (TPB,TPB)](m1g,m2g,rg)
# r = rg.copy_to_host()
# torch.allclose(C, r)
(torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray)
%%timeit -n 10
matmul[blockspergrid, (TPB,TPB)](m1g,m2g,rg)= rg.copy_to_host() r
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/numba/cuda/ NumbaPerformanceWarning: Grid size 1 will likely result in GPU under-utilization due to low occupancy.
The slowest run took 136.47 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
8.26 ms ± 19.2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
=(m1c@m2c).cpu() r
%timeit -n 10 r=(m1c@m2c).cpu()
Our broadcasting version was >500ms, and our CUDA version is around 0.5ms, which is another 1000x improvement compared to broadcasting. So our total speedup is around 5 million times!